A special highlight

NguDoni - A knife in a 'Bar' fight - 'Sgebengu'

The definition The rap world is known for producing classic music like ‘Dear Mama’ by the late Tupac, ‘Stan’ by legendary Eminem and conscio...

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

NguDoni Ginde Challenge Review

Artist: NguDoni 
Track: Ginde challenge  
By fire by force. The words chanted at the beginning of this latest musical challenge within the Zimbabwean border. The idea of a #challenge is to invariably promote the original track whilst getting as many alternative versions by various artists who take up the challenge. ”Ginde’ is no different.  

NguDoni is one rapper who hast taken up the challenge with ulterior motives. NguDoni wants the whole of Zimbabwe, especially those in the city of Harare to know that he does not bow down to anybody. Having reigned supreme on a Bulawayo’s soil in the last year on a popular Hip Hop platform, Live bars on Rap Lab on a local radio station, NguDoni goes on to reiterate he ‘is still the Mzilikazi boy, a Byo Warrior’ and take on the whole of H-Town if he has to.  

He also does some serious name calling and accusing some of the popular mainstream brands of lacking actual talent but making solely because they friends voted them in. Bulawayo has come to be known as the Hip Hop capital despite all major radio stations, TV channels and Promoters being based in Harare. For the love of the art, Hip Hop has maintained its roots in the City of Kings. NguDoni here is very much against the idea that Harare rappers act like they in the lead and can spit better when both cities are putting in as much effort. 

This is not the first time Harare has tried to stamp its mark in Bulawayo. However it goes, Harare tends to find the going difficult when taking down Bulawayo.  

With this track in particular, I quite much enjoyed the gritty punches thrown towards all would be challengers. NguDoni asserts his post as the apex beefactor when it comes to battle tracks. A clever line in construction, pun and real life reference is the following: “I’m like Rocqui Josphat what he does with his kids, on the mic I keep coming it’s never enough.” This a bar. If you know you know.  

Overally I give this track a 3/5 mics. The flow is good although I feel NguDoni switched up and down one too many times. It’s a challenge though. No we await to see who throws one next. 
If you would like your track reviewed please send us a message on WhatsApp and we will get back to you. 

1 comment:

  1. Kill shot indeed and yes that rocky line went inn
